The best thing about having a king-sized bed all to yourself is the fact that you can S P R A W L! you can stretch and stretch and stretch and toss around all you want and never hit the edge of the bed. of course, it helps if you're only 5 feet two inches tall. just the sheer amount of space you have to sleep in makes you feel as if you slept longer than you actually did.
it's funny, i lived in a hotel room with a king-sized bed for a month and hated it because all that space just made me feel even lonelier. now that i'm used to sharing a bed with someone, any chance i have of having the bed all to myself is suddenly such a luxury. i think it helps a lot that i know fritz will only be gone for a week and that he's with his dad and that he's having fun in dubai, as opposed to him being miserable in austria for 3 weeks. maybe it's the fact that since we share the bed, fritz and i have some sort of connection already. something like: if he's sleeping well, then i'm also sleeping well because when he's in austria, i feel he's absence beside me so strongly that i wake up after a couple of hours sleep and get disoriented when i don't see him sleeping beside me. maybe that's because i know that he is missing me halfway around the world too...