Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sleeping like a king

The best thing about having a king-sized bed all to yourself is the fact that you can S P R A W L! you can stretch and stretch and stretch and toss around all you want and never hit the edge of the bed. of course, it helps if you're only 5 feet two inches tall. just the sheer amount of space you have to sleep in makes you feel as if you slept longer than you actually did.
it's funny, i lived in a hotel room with a king-sized bed for a month and hated it because all that space just made me feel even lonelier. now that i'm used to sharing a bed with someone, any chance i have of having the bed all to myself is suddenly such a luxury. i think it helps a lot that i know fritz will only be gone for a week and that he's with his dad and that he's having fun in dubai, as opposed to him being miserable in austria for 3 weeks. maybe it's the fact that since we share the bed, fritz and i have some sort of connection already. something like: if he's sleeping well, then i'm also sleeping well because when he's in austria, i feel he's absence beside me so strongly that i wake up after a couple of hours sleep and get disoriented when i don't see him sleeping beside me. maybe that's because i know that he is missing me halfway around the world too...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Epiphany #2

One of these days I will end up writing that book on how to deal with men. It isn't that easy to make the transition from a fun-loving, sassy, tongue-in-cheek chick to a mature, cosmopolitan, diplomatic woman.
The first thing I had to learn was to pick my battles. Let's face it, the reason why we love men is because they're like puppies: dumb and adorable. If they didn't go gaga over women, they wouldn't be half as adorable. The problem starts when you try to teach them to become adult human beings. Sometimes, it doesn't work out and they just turn into dogs. Like puppies, they tend to start fights over the stupidest things: taking a bath for example. Or peeing in the right spot. Or hanging out with the other puppies and chasing cats. Or any number of ridiculous things that only puppies and men can come up with. The trick is to give in to all the small things so that it seems like you're the nicest person on earth. It really doesn't take much to make them happy anyways. When the time comes that you are really fighting over something serious, then don't back down. By this time, he will be so used to you giving in that he will pay attention, realize that this is serious, and give in to you. At the end of the day, he's happy because he got all the small unimportant stuff and you end up getting the important ones.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Thai Cooking on a Tuesday Evening

i never knew until today what the difference was between shallots and spring onions and leeks. thank god for the internet! that wonderful invention that has the answer to pretty much everything except "what is the definition of a loathsome disease?". i just recently found out as well that someone with a loathsome disease can be prevented from entering the country.

aloy and her boyfriend, gert, are coming over for dinner tonight and i decided on a thai menu which i am still experimenting on. hence the sudden interest in spring onions and shallots. fritz told me that spring onions are just small onions so in lieu of putting in spring onions, i chopped up some real onions instead and put those in the green curry paste i made. in other words, if the curry tastes funny later on, i will just blame him. one of the conveniences of having a white boy for a boyfriend: easier to pin the blame on!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Finally Friday!

I remember my creative writing professor telling us before that the best way to become a great writer was simply to write. Our assignment for the entire term was to write as much as we possibly could, about anything, about everything that came to mind. Every night, before we went to sleep we had to fill at least one sheet of bond paper with our stream-of-consciousness writing. It sounds simple, but it was actually quite daunting sitting there with a pen in your hand, staring at a blank sheet of paper. The hardest part was always the first sentence. But it was kind of liberating once your mind and your hand started to work together; it was almost like going on autopilot, writing without even having to think about it.

Nowadays, it's the blank computer screen that I need to overcome and I've managed to avoid the entire blogging thing for quite a while. But now that my diary is pretty much defunct due to the fact that I *gasp* live with someone now and generally don't have as much time on my own as I used to, I've started to realize the benefits of blogging. Read as: something that can be done at work.

Actually, I got inspired because a graphologist I went to a few days ago told me that I no longer do something artistic that I used to do before. Writing is the only thing that comes to mind. I hardly think water coloring a few stationeries would constitute something that would have an effect on my life.

Anyways, since it's a friday and i have nothing better to write about, i may as well just jot down here my brilliant money making idea for an invention. A process to alter your genes so that all excess weight you gain would go to the right places. This way you eliminate the need to diet as well as the need to have cosmetic surgery done.

Hehehe.... Thank god it's FRIDAY!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wiener Schnitzel

Fritz cooked chicken schnitzel for me last night. Amidst my sudden surge of emotional malfunction wherein the idea of never ever getting a marriage proposal caused me to plummet into a momentary pit of depression and tears. I honestly don't know what caused it. Maybe watching too many chick flicks. Maybe thinking about this gorgeous x-carat cat's eye cut diamond engagement ring that I tried on when I was like, 16 years old. I was actually more interested than the rings than I was about the weddings and the dress and all that. It may not have been something that I actively fantasized about, but it was still one of those things that I somehow took for granted that I would eventually end up having in the course of my life. Kind of like a job, a house, a car, etc. Not that I have a house or a car yet, but then those are things that I can control. Unlike someone asking me to marry them. That's still one thing that all the bra-burners and women's liberation advocates in the world can't change.
But then again, how many married women out there can say that their husbands cooked wiener schnitzel for them? Or how many married women can still catch their husband's eye across a crowded bar and see him mouthing the words to "waiting in vain" to them? Marriage rings symbolize love and commitment and all that, but then at the end of the day, I guess I'd rather have the real thing. (Dammit, I still want both though! The cat's eye diamond cut ring and the schnitzel :P)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Self-portrait pre-wasted version

Contrary to all those wasted party pictures that may or may not be circulating on the net, depending on the settings of your internet browser. It's amazing how one can go from this

to THIS :

all in one night!

Well, so long as no one gets hurt I guess! After all, we are only young and stupid and beautiful enough to get away with it once in our lives... After that, we become just plain stupid.